Raid and arrest of individuals in Hay El Selloum

Sunday, 11 December 2022

The Army Command – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:

In the context of the security measures taken by the military units to pursue and arrest the wanted individuals, a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate arrested the citizen (E.M.) in Hay El Selloum- the southern suburb, wanted under several arrest warrants for theft and robbery by force of arms and drug use. Narcotic pills, two balls of Hashish, and a military pistol were seized from his possession.

In the aforementioned area, an army force also raided the residences of wanted individuals and arrested the two citizens (M.H.) and (M.M.) for abusing and promoting drugs, shooting, and causing clashes. They were found in their possession: two military pistols, 60 packages of cocaine, 20 medium-sized bags of hashish, 18 packages and 9 envelopes of cocaine, a cell phone, two motorcycles, and an amount of money.

The seized items were handed over and investigations were initiated with the arrestees under the supervision of the competent judicial authorities.